random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Difficult, difficult, difficult day!

I don't know what forces conspire to make a day like today. I knew almost from the moment I got up that it was going to be a difficult day. I barely had my eyes open before the dog was whining at me and nudging me and tripping me. Didn't even get a moment to wake up and process a plan for the day and she was invading my mind, my space. Stumbling over her all morning made me late for the gym which made my workout shorter....and I swear it was one thing after another all day.

For instance, twice a week I drive 70 miles one way to teach at a community college. When I left (late) at 12:30 to drive out, the weather was fine. Half way there, it started to snow. Normally I love the snow, but I could tell this wasn't going to be just a few flurries. No it had winter storm written all over it. So I call the college to see if they have cancelled evening classes yet. (That's how this works, sometime after the storm starts, they decide if the weather is too bad and then they close the school.) I was hoping to avoid driving all the way there only to turn around and drive all the way back (it's an hour and a half in good weather.) But NO! Why would they make that decision early? Why would they make my day anything but more fucking difficult.

In addition to this weather dilemna, my liscense expired Monday on my birthday. But there are no driver's liscense facilities within 20 miles of where I live, and I've put in three 12 hour days in a row..so I just haven't gotten around to it. However, on the way to school, there is a facility. I decide that since I am already late and the weather is a good excuse, AND there are no other cars in the parking lot (which means no line and no wait), I will run in there quick and renew.

Oh, but it's the difficult day...and nothing is quick, easy or without wait. First the overly chipper pink lady behind the counter informs me that she just has to shoot this email off to her boss and then she'll be right with me. The other lady behind the counter apparently isn't capable of helping me. So I wait. The she tells me that I have to take the written test to renew - okay, this makes me nervous, because I haven't done any studying up on obscure rules of the road and really don't need to fail the freakin written test. Plus, this was supposed to be quick....but I take it and I pass with 100% correct - phew! Now I have to take the eye test...I almost fail because my hair gets in the way...then I have to sign my name like five hundred times. At least she warned me when she was going to take the picture so I could smile - despite the difficult day. The last time I went there, the pre-pubescent brat behind the counter took the picture before I had even sat down...looked like a mugshot. And finally, the wait for the machine to spit out my new liscence. By the time I got back out to my car it was covered in snow and I had to scrap it all off.

All my students actually showed up for class, but half of them did not bring their work...so I am crabby at them. It's cold, my stomach is grumbling...Class gets over at 4pm and the next one isn't until 5pm...don't want to go out in the snow for food...so I am contemplating being really insensitive and ordering pizza so some poor delivery driver can go out in the snow instead of me when the lady comes over the announcement system to tell us that all classes after 4pm are cancelled. Great...not two minutes later, she comes back on to tell us that the building will close at 4pm...it's like 6 minutes til.

I teach a painting class. You can't clean up in 6 minutes and I don't want to rush out to my car in the snow with 5000 students and faculty to sit in the inevitable traffice jamb that the announcement just created. So I tell my students I'll stay for a bit...finish up, blah, blah. Then some nazi, butch, nasty lady comes around and yells that we have to get out of the building- she's locking the room. Okay, I'm the fucking instructor - not a student and don't talk to me like that - I'm already having a difficult day!

So we clear out, and I drive 2 and a half hours home....yes, it takes an hour longer because people are fucking retarded when it comes to driving in the snow. AAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!! I just want to go home! Be home! I just want the difficult day to end.

But no, whatever wild, needy hair was up my dog's ass this morning is still there because she whines and follows me around the house from the second I walk in until my husband gets home. Thank god she has someone else to fixate on. Bless his heart, he took her out in the snow and I can breathe for two seconds. Of course, because it's a difficult day, he's in an incomprrehensibly good mood which means he's loud and goofy and silly and obnoxious and invasive and I think I'm gonna be claustrophobic for awhile....oh, yeah...and the phone has run like four times in a row....LEAVE ME ALONE!

I hate crabby days...crabby days become difficult days...nothing goes right, nothing goes smoothly and all that happens is that I get more and more irritated and more and more crabby. I need some alone space - soon,,,,


Blogger leila said...

hiya, not feeling the same about snow now are ya?
ha ha.
just had to get that one in.L

Friday, December 09, 2005 5:22:00 AM

Blogger Jeff Pollet said...

hope you got some time alone, k.

Moods (crabby, happy or whatever) are sometimes really weird to me. On another day the exact same stuff could happen to you and it would just roll right off of you (think of having that new-ish being in love feeling, for instance--stuck in traffic? no problem! I'll just think about the good sex I had last night with my new love!).

I think it's awesome that you got to the gym, by the way, despite the rough start and a long day ahead of you...you should be proud of yourself.

Friday, December 09, 2005 9:55:00 AM

Blogger k said...

jeff - I totally know what you mean -it's like today, nothing bothers me, but that day...everything, EVERYTHING was difficult. I know lack of sleep is a big factor for me...but that is so hard to control. And thanks - still trying for 4x a week at the gym. Made it 2 weeks in a row...keep our fingers crossed for three.

shiny p - sometimes, I do snap...knockdown drag out screaming fit...but no one hears me, so I guess that's okay

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 5:30:00 PM

Blogger Jeff Pollet said...

4x a week! Yay! I've been hitting that mark more often than not, but I'm also giving myself some room to slide here and there--been at it 4 months and I'm still figuring out how my body responds to the exercise, when I need to rest my muscles and the like. So I'm trying to not be too hard on myself if I take days off. Luckily, I haven't yet felt that "I don't really want to go work out" feeling--most days I just can't wait to exercise some when I get off from work.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, by the way. :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:19:00 AM


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