random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fleet Fingers

I am a pretty good typist. I can type relatively fast without looking at my hands. I can even hold a conversation with someone and type something else entirely without looking at my hands. I could not always do this. Nice to know some skills can be acquired. I have however always reversed the "o" and the "r" in the word "from" and the "o" and the "f" in the word "of." I always catch it right when it happens, but it happens over and over nonetheless. I thought it was just some quirk. However, I have noticed that I do it with other letters now too. Or, I type the wrong letter altogether. It's not type errors like when you don't know where the keys are, or when you don't know how to spell something. It is rather that I have gotten so very fast at typing that I think I actually skip over the keys or come down on the wrong ones. Of course, speed without accuracy is hardly a useful skill. But I find it funny that it seems to be getting worse. Perhaps, it is a metaphor for the life I am living - everything moving a little too fast and occassionally, but with growing frequency, things coming down in the wrong place. It's a good thing I am not in a deep-subject thinking mood tonight or I could chew this one to death. Instead, I am going to let my cat out the window before he pulls my blinds down. I think he does it just to make the blinds snap so he can get my attention.


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