random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Things I Can Appreciate

NICJ continues to surprise me (and frustrate me, but that is for another post) - these are the things that surprise me and make me smile:

When I get home each day, if he is already home, he comes out to the car and meets me, and carries my bag inside.
When he's been home all day, he can't wait to tell me all the stuff he's gotten done around the house - like fixing the mower and finishing the backyard.
Mowing, something I used to do, or I used to have to beg him to help me with is now something he is obsessed with keeping neat and presentable. It's an odd adjustment for me that I am still surprised by, but that I enjoy.
When he sleeps properly - he's happy, helpful, and productive. (Probably we can say that about almost anyone, but it's a Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde kind of thing with him.)
When he's being productive, he finds all sorts of little projects that surprise me and make me think "oh, yeah, this is what it's like to have a helpful mate."
If I am 30-45 minutes late, he calls just to check on me. Not mean and cranky, just hope you aren't in a ditch kind of check on me.
He takes care of the dogs - every day, more than once a day, without me asking or reminding him. I kind of consider them his pets now.

When I am having a bad day, or am really tired, he seems to instinctively know this and he is even more helpful and nice. Going out of his way to make the evening easier for me.

It may seem like these things are small - and in truth, they are, but in the daily assessment I make of our life and where I am going and what I am doing, I have to give credit - I have to acknowledge good deeds. Doesn't make me blind to the rest, but makes me feel like a more open and generous person - rather than the jaded, cranky, bitter, mean person I sometimes feel I've become. So maybe it's not about his behaviour all the time, but how I perceive it and that I do that with an open mind.


Blogger leila said...

what a delicious change. and no one deserves it more than you toots. i've been chewing over your more morose blogs. gosh, what on earth can someone say to all that? all that gooey, throbbing, aching, black, empty, hollow, icky heart-ill? you did a good thing by going down to one job sweetcheeks.
and hopefully your newfound motivation to go to the gym, and be nice to yourself will chip away at the crippling fatigue you seem to be having.
although i never laugh better than when i'm sleep deprived.... ;)

really, the best us non-psychic people can do is just play it day by day and try to form a plan. mom is famous for planning. for her that is her sanity.
should planning be on your list of things to do?
start small, then build up.
oh K, what to say?
your life from over here is like the ocean, tide comes in, tide goes out, up and down, full moon, new moon....

what's next sister?

missing you,with lots of kisses for anywhere you want them

Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:37:00 AM

Blogger k said...

Love you too! Big hugs and kisses back and many thanks! Got the circle...thanks for the galoshes :) !!

missing you, k.

Friday, August 25, 2006 6:42:00 PM


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