random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Okay, seriously...

So, I'm checkin' email, lookin' in on the bank account, watchin' a little tv and my foot gets an itch. So I rub it with my other foot and it just gets worse. But I'm caught up in the show and absent-mindedly I reach down and itch with my fingers. It feels like a bump - maybe a splinter...why that would itch I don't know, but whatever, I'm only half paying attention. Show ends, itch is more annoying, I rub my foot on the corner of the couch, no relief. I scratch with first toes, then fingers, no relief. Finally, I pull my foot up into a half lotus and take a peek at the bottom. Turns out I've been scratching the wrong part of my foot - who can pinpoint through summer callouses - anyway, on the bottom of my foot right in the soft area between the arch and the pad under the toes is an ENORMOUS mosquito bite. Okay - who the hell gets a mosquito bite on the BOTTOM of their foot? Seriously, this thing is the size of my thumb...what kind of mutant, blood-sucking mosquito made it's way into my house and bit the bottom of my foot. I hope I stepped on it - I hope I find it's dead carcass smushed on my floor in the morning. Gross, I know, but satisfying. Thank goodness for hydrocortisone cream....


Blogger leila said...

no puddin, i'll write on yours!! and i'll re-install yahoo chat!
sooo can't believe how much i'm enjoying my computer. strange because i'm leaving for vacation and won't touch it for a month :(
serves me right for not getting it together earlier. but as the universe knows, things happen when they happen. now i am being whisked away to go watch j.d. play soccer and barbecue our brains out after. i'll write tonight.

the worst? for the last four months i've had a million different super duper blog ideas. but now that i've got the power, none of them is coming to me...... but i'll get on it.
miss you puddin' :)

Friday, June 30, 2006 10:46:00 AM


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