random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Green Issue

Yesterday, in the sweltering heat, I found that I could not muster the energy to do anything but sit on my deck and read. So, I sat, under the umbrella because is was so hot (for anyone who knows what a lizard I am, then you know that for me to sit under the umbrella and not in the sun means it was damn fucking hot.) Anyway, opted to read last month's Vanity Fair - the green issue with Al Gore and George Clooney and Julia Roberts on the cover, one of the Kennedy's too.

It was an amazing read. Sad too...all I will say, because it is late and I do not have the energy to soapbox, is that I CANNOT wait for this idiot to be out of office. I can only hope that someone with an ounce of sense and and eye to the future of our planet, not just our big business will be elected.

A friend posted about the movie about the United flight. And alluded to questioning the purpose of his life. I commented that I think a lot of people have been going through that since 9/11. Today, a thought occurred to me that 9/11 was the catalyst for the kind of self-examination in a broad range of people, but I think the current climate of frustration with our government and it's utter disregard for, well for everything, has a great many of us questioning the world we live in. And since so few of us can actually exact change on a global or national level, we turn to our own lives and wonder what we could do to feel less helpless. Or pointless....these are of course my descriptives, but I wonder, if I am not alone in my questioning. I remind myself that political climates ebb and flow...but that doesn't make it any less frustrating to witness.

Fortunately, as I read this issue, several of the articles pointed out that there are many people who are exacting change despite the President's idiocy. And that many countries, states, cities are taking action on their own accord. This is heartening. It demonstrates that the nation is waking up to it's error and also to the facts of global warming.

One of the things that frustrates me personally is that I do not have the wealth to do all that I want to do. I cannot afford to build a home that is wind and solar powered. I cannot afford to buy a new car although I would like a hybrid very much. I cannot afford to replace all the wood floor in my home with bamboo...but, I keep these things in the back of my head...my plan for the future. And in the meantime, I recycle, I plant trees, and I stay educated. Every little bit helps right?


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