random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Sunday, May 28, 2006


I admit that I finally understand what being burnt out is. I am lost - what day is it? Theoretically, I believe the calendar that says it is Sunday. But I have no practical knowledge of this. I have no life rhythm...that vibe, that hum, that routine or ritual that makes up our days - each day a little the same, each day a little different. I can't remember if I washed my face this morning. I witnessed first hand people celebrating Memorial Day today...flags out, drinks consumed, games of horseshoe and crochet. I had no concept of it. I was listless, lethargic, merely an observer.

Perhaps it is the crushing heat that has descended prematurely - summer is still a month away I think. Perhaps it is utter burn out - too much work, too much taking on the stress and responsibility of every single thing, too much succumbing to the weight and burden of the life I have chosen not yet to leave. Or perhaps, I am just very very tired. I know that fatigue is my enemy. It changes my reaction and my perception to almost everything. Sleep is so often the grand fix to any poor mood I find myself in...yet, it eludes me.

I am in the middle of several days off work. I had grand plans for achieving a great many things in these 7 days, not the least of which was to establish a routine or observe a rhythm of some kind that I could wrap a routine around. Instead, I am thwarted by heat, lack of sleep and new financial difficulties. (I think I may have eaten a bad karma egg.) I feel the days slipping past me - wasted, nothing accomplished, no burdens eased, no rest acquired.

But, I refuse to give in. I have 3 days left...an infinity in which to accomplish many things. Not the least of which might just be a plan - a plan for rediscovering my rhythm, myself - perhaps, I find myself lost because I no longer know what I want. How can i know which direction to take if I don't know who I am or what I want? I have a recollection of a person I was...if only I could remember how to find her...Perhaps it is not fatigue, but boredom or dissatisfaction...perhaps it is a gentle mix of all of these things. Whatever the cause, I am hoping I can sieze upon a course of action - some direction in which to focus - even if it is wrong, at least I will be moving forward again. At least I will not feel as if I am aimlessly wandering, vaguely participating in this life, raw and frightened beneath a thin armor of numbness...at least I will have a purpose.


Blogger Jeff Pollet said...

I think your intuition to pick a direction, any direction, and head that way is a good one.

You might also consider that what you needed, what might help you find yourself in the ways that you're talking about, was to wander aimlessly for four days. Just a possibility...I think everybody goes through times like these; maybe in some way it's your brain's way of healing from the vicissitudes of daily life...

Monday, May 29, 2006 11:37:00 AM

Blogger leila said...

the title of your blog makes me think of an analogy.

to me, it seems that you are on a desert island. surrounded by the ocean (the ocean being your living environment and surrounding situation). the ocean is unpredictable. you can walk around in it and it feels quite agreable and pleasant. you can swim around in it without danger. but when you least suspect it a stingray, undertoe or heatstroke can sting, suck you under or knock you out. not being in the ocean all the time is probably better, gives you perspective. however being on an island you really have no choice but to contemplate it perpetually.

now, your desert island (you). it may feel small, and unpredictable (not as unpredictable as the sea) but, it is vast with every little tree, waterfall, dune and landscape. that you know by heart because you've been living on this desert island for a while now. you just have to revisit these places. and keep your eyes open for new tress that spring up, new waterfalls that are created and new perspectives that come from mudslides.....
so it seems to me, by looking away from the ocean and around your island in order to make it a more liveable place seems to be the ordre du jour.
easier said than done i know. and you also have been re-exploring for a while, i know.
and trust the ocean if the horizon looks promising.

so i guess the moral of this analogy is
1. you need a tv and a really good weather forecast.
2. somone needs to come to your island with a bottle of tequila and a couple limes.
3. and when the hangover, and the tequila, are gone you need to build a boat and choose a direction, any direction to get somewhere.
or stay on your island and invite someone to come and live there.
4. and just because you live on a desert island doesn't mean you are stranded. it seems the internet is your messsage in a bottle.

missing you,

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 3:19:00 AM

Blogger leila said...

sorry, trees; not tress.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 3:20:00 AM

Blogger k said...

jeff - I try to give myself a break and just take each day as it comes...but I keep remembering this saying my mother keeps framed in her kitchen. I don't remember it exactly, but the basic message is this: today is a gift, I can do whatever I want with it, but at the end of the day, whatever I do today, I've traded a day of my life for...choose wisely. I don't feel very wise lately.

leila - what bothers me is that so much about the ocean requires my attention, so that I am not stung, towed under or knocked out, that I have nothing left in me to investigate the island...or worse, when I look around the island, what I remember is no longer there, and what once was has been replaced with nothing more than watchtowers for guarding the ocean....leaving no room for new trees or flowers .... or anything.

Thursday, June 01, 2006 11:35:00 PM


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