random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ask and you shall receive...

Perhaps mundane, but a place to start, because you asked me to...

So, I have spent the last few years working 60-70 hours a week, usually over 6 days. But this year I dropped one job and am only putting in about 50, so, I now have time to watch television. (This is not rocket science, and may even be considered a sad commentary on the life of a 30-something.) However, I do enjoy a random variety of shows now where before I watched only the Sunday night line-up. In an effort to bring you up to speed, this is how I have been spending my newly free hours each week:

On Sundays, I watch football, unless they air two teams that I couldn't care less about and then I flip around for blah to mildly entertaining movies in which to create some sort of background noise to accompany my wanderings. If it is a day like last Sunday, then the movies are not merely background, but instead all that I can handle on a hangover and 3 hours of sleep. So, I find myself lying in bed all day, dozing off and on to movies I've already watched dozens of times until the new Sunday night line-up begins. At which point I watch Desperate Housewives because I can and Brothers and Sisters because I like Calista Flockhart and Sally Field. I used to watch Grey's Anatomy, but they moved it to Thursdays which causes me much chagrin every week, but I muddle through.

On Mondays, I work 12 hours. So, my trusty DVR records Heroes and What About Brian and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. I watch heroes because it's a mildly interesting replacement for Charmed with I loved and which is no longer on and because I will watch anything with comic book hero style characters - call it a weakness, but I love them all. What About Brian is well acted and I actually got into it as a mid-season replacement show last spring or maybe over the summer. Anyway, they brought it back, skipped 6 months forward and I kind of dig it still. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is singularly one of the best written and acted shows on television today. It's brilliant. Absolutely my favorite show to watch for it's sheer comic timing and brilliant cast. Seriously, nothing tops this show. (I'm sure I'll get a dozen arguments about whatever HBO is churning out these days, but I stand by this assessment.)

Tuesdays are light filler - and thank god - can you imagine if I actually watched 3 shows a night or more all 7 days out of the week. I'd be 400 pounds and blind. I do like Smith though. It's a caper/thieves kind of show. But replaced right now by Baseball playoffs. Go Cards!!

Wednesdays I watch Justice - slick lawyer show with little substance that is filmed a little like the CSI shows. Last 2 minutes of every show shows you what really happened. Luckily I also have book club one Wednesday a month or I'd be closer to being that 400 pound loser I mentioned on Tuesdays.

Thursdays I LOVE Grey's Anatomy, but not that it is on Thursdays. I've become used to watching Ugly Betty which airs before it. It's amusing in a comic/sinister/ugly girl with brains saves the day kind of way. It's really too bad men like McDreamy and Finn do not actually exist. (Yes, I am sure there is some sort of feminist law or manifesto that will scold me for that statement - but I don't care. The closet romantic in me watches this shit so I can be entertained and freed from the drudge of daily existence for a brief moment and I'm digging the fantasy of that character.) Six Degrees is also worth watching. And I really like Supernatural. Too many shows on one night unfortunately, but that is where the beauty of DVR comes in. I like Supernatural because it is all testosterone and is a nice replacement of the X-files which has yet to have an equivalent.

On Fridays, I DVR Men In Trees - positively delightful variation on Northern Exposure with quirky characters and nice chemistry and Anne Heche. What's not to like? I found myself grinning like a loon through the last 2 episodes, so there ya go.

Television does not exist on Saturdays...did I mention my fear of becoming a 400 pound shut-in?

Why did I just regale you with my weekly television schedule? Because my friend, my daily existence is rather mind-numbingly boring right now. If it's not some shit with NICJ and money, then it's a hangover at the bar or the dog's pulling their chains out of the ground and running around the neighborhood dragging 10 feet of chain and 3 feet of stake behind them. I spent about 7 hours tonight catching up on all the above shows that I haven't actually watched in 2 weeks. (Why watch in real time when you can fast forward the commercials? and I have been a smidge busy at work.) Anyway, I absolutely enjoyed every minute of those 7 hours. Which I cannot say about any other minutes in my life right now. And everyone can use a little mindfluff now and then.


Blogger leila said...

what may be irrelevant information for you is actually valuable for me. i'm stuck in a country where tv is not a national passtime. and all the good american tv is a year late and dubbed in french.
and for me that just won't do.

so i have a dealer so to speak. to give me my fixes. he partakes in the illegal activities and i benefit from his risktaking.

now i know what to hit my dealer up for.

and really Grey's anatomy - who hasn't been waiting for ten years or so to see Patrick Dempsey again. i had such a crush.

so the list that you've just put together will serve and serve and serve for hours of entertainment and anglophone escapism.
and have i mentioned that since jd and i gobble amer tv shows, his english has improved wildly?
huh, tv as a pedagogical tool. whod'a thunk?

Monday, October 30, 2006 1:14:00 PM

Blogger k said...

And Lost!!! Start with Season One and watch it all the way through Season Two...I just finished Season Two and then watched the 4 Season three episodes I had been recording on DVR...this is a really good show, but you have to watch it in order or you will be literally "lost." - tee hee

This one is super cool good too. Enjoy and happy English-speaking!

Monday, October 30, 2006 3:33:00 PM


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