random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Friday, October 19, 2007

Well Crap!

Okay, so I have not kept up with the blog a day thingy. But I am thinking about it more often. A quick recap of the week: Monday was another long day after the ardors of last week/weekend. I was glad when Tuesday rolled around. I worked a very short day and then got to have lunch with a new friend and her kids. Such delightful and genuinely nice people. I got to spend the rest of the day at home. Even did some pumpkin shopping - which makes me really happy. The weather had continued to mimic the spring, sporting 70 degree temperatures for most of the week. Wednesday I actually had off of work. I caught up on all my taped shows, and carved pumpkins and roasted pumpking seeds - cinnamon sugar flavor and cajun flavors. So good!! And then I had my monthly book group. It was nice to get out and socialize with intelligent, funny women. Not get too drunk, and just have good conversation. Oh yeah, and good food and wine - thanks Michelle! And my new friend from the Tuesday lunch is joining our group. Which is super cool. Thursday I spent sorting boxes of books for my offsite sale and fundraiser today. 30 boxes of books had to be unpacked, sorted and repacked. What a pain - literally, in my neck, back, legs, arms. I may never walk upright again! At least the bar wasn't too difficult last night. No crazies or fights. Got home at a reasonable hour and got a few hours of sleep.

That brings me up to today. Although I have not gotten enough sleep in the recent weeks, I was pretty zonked last night. It wasn't enough, but at least part of it was good deep, dreaming sleep. I dreamt I was a painter, but that I only did it in public, like at parties, like Andy Warhol used to have at the factory. And that I sold them - just casually to any one who inquired. It's funny, but a lot of the dream looked like my middle school library - bizarro. Right now I am killing time between session breaks. I spent 3 hours loading boxes and then unpacking them and setting up the book sale. I ache from my neck to my ass. But already have had some decent traffic. I know tomorrow will be better. One of the book selections for this year's conference (it's for Young Adult Literature) is An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore. I'm pretty excited that they chose it. I included a bunch of complimentary titles to go with it - maybe push the environmental education envelope a bit. They are showing the movie tonight after the sessions end. It's funny, because last year at this time, it snowed here. This year, it's in the 70s. Stormy and windy, but still. I just don't get the people who argue that it isn't real. It's like the idiots out there who think the Holocaust didn't happen. Anyway, the next couple of days will be long and arduous as well. But I am looking forward to some time off next week. Keeping my fingers crossed for it actually. Only 5 more hours left in today. Perhaps it will go by quickly.


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