random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Monday, October 08, 2007


I really did not want to go to work today. Monday - uck. Plus, I am working like 50 hours this week...tomorrow and Wednesday will be shorter, I feel like I should have skipped today and just worked longer tomorrow. Problem is that today was Columbus Day, so all my schools were off - limits my job quite a bit when there is no one available to contact. And I could not go to the bank of post office. But I could go to work - couldn't really do anything, so felt a little like it was a wasted day. Warm again, but breezy, so much more pleasant that the weekend. People died from the heat over the weekend. A man died running the Chicago Marathon. 300+ more were hospitalized. Not a good weather weekend.

Yesterday was super nice - bought a new dryer - finally. Thanks to CJ's parents and the Lowes gift card. It's being delivered tomorrow. I'm actually excited to do laundry. I finished a book. Walked the dog, got ice cream, watched my favorite shows. All in all a good day.

Met up with the girls tonight to say farewell to Kari. She starts her new job at Coca-Cola tomorrow. We met in Bloomingdale and ate and drank and told stories loudly. Debbie looked wiped out. Avi looked a little shell-shocked. Everyone is melting into the reality of the job. We all groused for awhile. Congratulated Kari on finding something better. Told stories of college and grad school. Food was awesome. We all left in a hurry to get to Stratford to shop for SJPBitten clothes, but the mall was closed, so I'm bummed, because we didn't really say goodbye. I'll email them all tomorrow, but kind of a weird ending to the night.

CJ needs to get paid so I can buy groceries. Phones go shut off today. My old service would automatically connect you to the bill pay number when you were overdue - couldn't call anyone else, but could pay over the phone and get it turned back on. This time, there is nothing. So I paid online, but have to wait for it to go through at midnight I guess and then turn back on tomorrow?? So very tired of being behind financially all the time. And CJ is missing a paycheck from almost 6 weeks ago. So bills I could have paid on time are now still sitting and blah, blah, blah....it's just never quite enough.

It's time now to sleep - I read an article last night about sleep deprivation and weight gain. If you don't log 7-9 hours of good restful REM sleep a night, you will not lose weight and will probably gain it. No wonder I can't make my diet work!! But of course, tried to sleep last night at 12:30 and ended up awake until closer to 2am. Had to get up at 7am. Not off to a good start on the get more sleep thing. But I am definitely going to make a bigger effort there. Who doesn't love to sleep??


Blogger leila said...

Sleep is sweeter than most candy i know.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007 2:49:00 PM


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