random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Day 2

Okay - what's up with the summer weather in October? I get it - Global Warming - but enough already. No, stop, rewind - and ask yourself: Can you believe that I, the summer guru, the lizard among lizards, the undeniably heat seeking, cold shunning chick is actually annoyed with this continuance of warm weather? (And it goes on all week!) It's not until like next Wednesday before we see the 60s. Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in the freezing cold. Or the lung collapsing wind and ice. But I really want to cozy up in a sweater, put on some socks, drink some really good hot tea and I want to NOT feel guilty about being inside all day. Seriously - I've got a lot of shit to do and everytime the thermometer hikes up to the 80s, I feel this pang of guilt and irritation, because now I have to go outside and do something - you know, "take advantage" of the nice weather. And really I just want to watch movies or read a book or god forbid, clean my house and catch up on the bills. But these are all indoor activities and the weather is not cooperating.

Plus, I count on this month and next to be the rare time when I can put the dogs outside all day without fear of a neighbor calling the humane society because they think I am neglecting them in the cruel hot sun. I need to be inside without the mommy parade (I am not an actual mommy, but the dogs are my kids) and they follow me everywhere I go, every move I make. Except when it's a gorgeously cool and crisp day outside and then they are content to sit outside all day long - not a bark out of them. So can we see how this 85 degree weather in October crap is starting get on my nerves. It's not like the pools are still open or even the outside patios at bars....time to give it up.

Of course, now, according to Murphy's law, it's going to be 30 degrees below zero from now until June next year - because, why exist in moderation?

Otherwise, October 2nd has been a rather uneventful day full of work. My husband got up early (unheard of) and cooked me breakfast. My friend Molly told me she is pregnant. I had lunch with my boss. And I finally cleared off the towering pile of stuff on my desk. Time to go home.


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