random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Friday, October 05, 2007


As is with every Friday, I get in late from bartending, but am not allowed to sleep in for two reasons - the dogs require attention, and my husband is unable to wake up without bringing me with him. So I got 4 hours of sleep last night. But I also finished "Rapture" by Susan Minot - a very disappointing ending and I began a new novel. Drove the hubby to work, cleaned the kitchen, and am taking a break from sweating in the 88 degree heat to eat some late lunch as I am feeling lightheaded.

Why do some dogs bark incessantly at any and all things and others merely observe? Why do i have the barker? One of my puppies makes a noise like an agitated monkey and every once in awhile lets out a bark that is literally earsplitting. I adore them, but if I could tweak anything about them, it's the noise they make.

Today is my recovery day - bartending last night, no sleep and I have to go into work tonight....But it's also the day I make a mental list of all the stuff I must get done tomorrow, Bills being on the top of that list. My financial life is retched, due in no small part to my husband's irresponsibility. I know, throwing stones and all that, and I really don't wish to expound here, but he really is a heavy tether around the neck of a drowning swimmer.

Have you ever noticed that when tired/fatigued, every thing is coated with a taint of ennui? Not just boredom, but melancholy? This is why I hate being tired. It's never the good kind, like after a hard day's work - but rather the draining kind like several nights in a row of bad sleep. And this heat is mentally exhausting - makes me feel like I should be weeding and mowing and walking the dog, when I can barely drag my ass to the porch to read a book for a few hours. So then I feel guilty and lazy. No wonder I've been irritated. I am hoping for a productive weekend though. Let's hope that hope springs eternal.

Earlier this week, I dont' remember which day, I say two beautiful butterflies fluttering around the parking lot. They were so out of place and so lovely - I actually smiled.


Blogger leila said...

Girli - o!

I'm telling you; dogs that don't bark are IT! i really don't think i could put up with one. Manteiga is so judicious with his barking. One good strong one when he hears the key in the door. The occasional one if he hears sirens. and that is IT!
and it makes me like hearing his bark because it is rather rare.

and as for your ennui due to your lack of sleep? I was having serious issues last week - or was it the week before? - anyway, for someone who NEVER gets migraines, i had a whopper. It teased me all day, coming and going in waves then after my 3rd two hour class, it hit hard. I could barely drive home it hurt so bad. Went to bed at half past 6 - slept for 12 hours - and felt like new.
Don't let it get too bad....okay?

Tuesday, October 09, 2007 3:00:00 PM

Blogger k said...

OOO, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but clearly your body (and mind) were telling you something. I'm glad you got a good dose of rest.

I've made the decision to try for 9 hours a night. Hopefully I'll get the 7 hour minimum. Keep your fingers crossed.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007 4:45:00 PM


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