random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Friday, October 05, 2007


Ahhh, well, the best intentions and all that...missed a day in my quest to blog every day of October. Thursdays are always long and exhausting, but I can catch up. In truth, yesterday was foul. I woke up irritated and it never went away. I'm sure it's to do with being so tired all week combined with the utter lack of focus I exhibited yesterday and topped off with the myriad of things that are coming up and require my attention. In short, way too much to do and not enough energy to do it well.

Add to this the realization that despite my best efforts, I am getting fat. I have no time and energy to work out. And I have not time, energy or money to eat properly. Sad, sorry excuses, I know. But, my bartending partner and I are going to make a pact to not drink for the next couple of weeks. This will help me get through the weekends with what I hope is better sleep. From there, I think I will dedicate myself to the worship of salad in all its glorious forms. We'll see if I can last two weeks. I acknowledge that I am a very in the moment kind of person - not a big fan of delayed gratification - and therefore singularly unsuited to dieting. But I am going to give it a conscious effort.

Otherwise, the fourth of October was rather uneventful. Got some done at work, but not all. Made some money bartending, but was not happy doing it. Generally, a day best enjoyed for its ending. C'est la vie.


Blogger leila said...

ahhh dieting. getting fat.
personally staying a normal weight for me is a conscious effort, every day. which sucks. but i accept it and now have moved on.

i now know that working out is not as addictive as the sauna i treat myself to afterwords. but i am in the habit of going to the gym. on the days i don't work 11 hours - which are few and far inbetween these days.
that and i refuse to eat at the cafeteria. which requries meal preparation and tupperware stuffing. now a Sunday ritual.

and eating! ahhh eating! you just have to find a diet or structure that suits you. that's the key; that and hating yourself just enough to do what it takes to find the "stick-to-it-ive-ness" you need.
i swear, the whole concept of "dieting" is genetic, on that extra leg of the X chromosome. the one that males don't get.

good luck with that!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007 3:08:00 PM

Blogger k said...

why thank you! I'm not really a good dieter, but I have made an effort to cut out the really bad stuff like fast food and soda - although, I have had 2 vanilla cokes from SteakNShake in the last 3 days, so my efforts have not been that great. But, some days are better than others and I have to take heart from that. Plus, if I get the groceries for him, C. will cook whatever healthy thing I want. God Bless his culinary skills!!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007 4:47:00 PM


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