random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Wednesday, the third

So I gave in to the warm weather and planned my day around being outside. I dropped off supplies, I walked to get the mail instead of driving - I went back to bed until 12:30 - oops, wait, that didn't take good advantage of the weather. But it was really super nice. And I got to read some more of the new book I'm into - "Rapture" by Susan Minot. It's a short little novella - about sex and love and what goes on inside our heads. I'm really kind of deep into it, but am finding that I have to re-read whole sections of it. I'll read a sentence or two and crawl off in my head - think of my own love and sex - and then I realize I've read another paragraph, but not really retained it. So this tiny little 115 page book has taken me 3 days to read. I'm attempting to finish it tonight. Unless I fall asleep.

Okay and what's up with that - I've been falling asleep really early lately and sleeping for what appears to be a ridiculously long time, only to spend much of the day worn out and tired. I hate being tired. And tomorrow there is no sleep. Aaack, one more reason why I need this really nice weather to go slightly sour so I can stay in bed all day, guilt free.

Watching Will & Grace and it's the one where Jack stalks Kevin Bacon, but Will gets to do the Footloose dance with him. "I prefer the term professional crazed fan. Go get yourself a new assistant, if you need me I'll be in your hamper." Too funny. Lots of people say I remind them of Grace. Too bad I'm not famous and making millions of dollars too. She is fucking funny though.

Mmmm, the mowers did not show up yesterday...rain Monday night (yes, it rains liberally at night) or they are waiting for me to pay first?? The trees they moved for me are doing good. Healthy branches, even though both went into early fall hibernation - all the leaves turned brown. They will do well next year. I've planted 6 new trees on our property and two big bushes - lilac and magnolia. It's gonna suck when we move to have to start over with some other yard. But I guess I can say that I am contributing to the environment and the oxygenation of the planet...yes, that is a word - in my world anyway. So I should really move like every two years and plant trees everywhere I go - I can be Janey Appleseed. tee hee.

The boy had the day off today - he did dishes, fixed the downstairs bathroom drain, roasted me garlic and cooked a taco salad and a cake. I think I am a little in heart with him today. Dude really does know his way around good food.

I think I'm gonna take a shot of nyquil to knock me out so I can sleep the whole time I am in bed. Maybe NOT be tired tomorrow.


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