random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Friday, March 24, 2006

Crawling in this Skin

Despite the fact that I am genuinely a happy person, underneath all I do is a sadness. I am sad because I gave him my love and he took it for granted. I forgot myself waiting for him to love me back. Slowly, I realized that I no longer recognized the person I saw in the mirror, so to save myself, I stopped waiting for him. It doesn't seem to matter that he no longer takes me for granted, the sadness still lingers. I am sad because I trusted him more than I trusted myself.

I turned to a very dear friend to remind me who I was. I gave him the pieces of my heart to watch over, to protect while I found a way to be whole again. He did all that I asked and perhaps more. I never dreamed a piece of my heart would choose not to leave his hands. That now, I will always have a hole in my heart shaped like him. I am sad because I trusted myself and I was wrong.

The skin I am wearing is not mine. It is vaguely familiar, but uncomfortable and unwelcome. I will crawl around inside it until I find my own again, until I recognize myself in the mirror once more, until the sadness releases me.


Blogger Jeff Pollet said...

k--I'm not sure I follow everything in this post, but I just wanted to say that trust isn't all or nothing--with trusting yourself or others. It can wax and wane, and you can learn to trust yourself more and more.

Also, you're not the first or last person to trust yourself and be wrong.

I hope you're able to find a new skin, or fit into your own more comfortably, and perhaps let yourself make some mistakes, and still learn to trust yourself.

Saturday, March 25, 2006 12:50:00 PM

Blogger k said...

I think I'm more disturbed by feelings I can't shake and by this veil of utter indecision that seems to drape me everywhere now...Because, truthfully, before all the crap with my husband in the last few years, I trusted myself implicitely...I loved being me...and I was so confident in my life - not arrogant, but just sure of everything...now, I second guess everything...and this is so tiring - I am in constant indecision and I feel the fatigue of this daily - it weighs on my soul and on my heart and I can just feel myself crawling in this skin that doesn't fit....

Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:52:00 PM

Blogger Jeff Pollet said...

You're not alone in this, k. I know that doesn't make everything better or make you able to go back to trusting yourself implicitly or anything, but I'm going through similar things. I don't really know how old you are, but from your profile I can say this: I think this is part of what one's thirties brings.

...and maybe when you come out of all of it (and you will, you will), you'll be able to trust yourself even more deeply than you did before.

Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:13:00 PM

Blogger k said...

sometimes, when I can wax philosophic about it, I do wonder if this isn't just a life phase - especially since I came to marriage later and it's not working out beautifully, i.e. 2.5 children and the white picket fence and all that crap...but even thinking that it might be natural, I still feel very uncomfortable with this feeling...I'm a trooper and I take stress very well, but lately, I'm cracking at the edges and that's a little disconcerting since I'm only about a third of the way through life...I've got a long way to go and really need to get a grip. so, I hope you are right...that I'm coming out of a long dark tunnel and getting myself back.

Monday, March 27, 2006 12:41:00 PM


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