random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Monday, February 27, 2006

I honor the place in me that honors the place in you....what??!

Okay - so I went to my very first ever Yoga class on Saturday morn. Whew - what a great thing - totally dug it. (I gots some serious work cut out for me in the balance department!) Ummm, yeah until she started spouting about returning to the place you were born and honoring the place in you and honoring the place in me that something something, blah, blah, blah...

don't get me wrong, I'm all for incense, fab-music that doesn't have a pulsating beat to it and the breathing thingy works great...but I think I'm just too old for the new-agey speak...I'm loving the strength exercises and the stretches and the balance part - the once-athlete in me gets it totally. And I actually get the chakra, mind-body connection part...(I shouldn't say "actually" I have a healthy appreciation for eastern philosophy and healing...) but the little closing ditty about whatever...is just silliness (to me anyway) and sort of detracts from an overall supercool experience. (of course not enough to stop me from going back 3 more times this week!)

Truthfully, my workouts have been few and far between lately - not enough sleep, too much work, cramming in friends, dealing with a new schedule...blah, blah, blah....so anything that motivates me to go more than once in a two-week period is right up there with hot fudge sundaes and lazy days on the beach when it comes to good stuff...

So, I haul my cookies out of bed at the ass-crack of dawn on Sunday to go again...much more stiff today than yesterday - (it must be working!) anyway - same teacher, much bigger class - and she's talking about clearing you mind, letting the thought-stress go and she references computers. She says to minimize our racing thoughts by using the cursor of our mind to move the thoughts over to the side and out of the way! So this totally new-age, earth connection thing gets all jumbled up with the technology and convenience of computers - which, depending how you look at it is the very picture of the information/techonology age, ratrace, etc. Although I know she was creating a visual for the mind to help accomplish the task she was aiming at...I still find it interesting how segments of culture can get tangled up the more mainstream they become - or rather how something like computer useage transcends culture and becomes part of the lexicon....

anyway...I'm determined to keep going and hopefully in a month or so, I'll limber up and get flexible and be able to do the triangle with my front knee straight and the leg lift thingy that looks like we're trying to copy the ice skaters but without the skates...since I was once able to put my leg behind my head...I'm hoping it's like riding a bike...my muscles will remember eventually...won't they?


Blogger Jeff Pollet said...

glad to hear you're enjoying it!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:17:00 AM

Blogger k said...

I'm so excited - my schedule now accomodates like 4 classes a week - I'm gonna be all zenned out in no time!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 4:10:00 PM


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