random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Oh fuck it all!

Um, yeah, so that yin/yang thing is alive and well. I got nothin against this very perfect idea of every thing having an equal and opposite thing. But I'm wondering why when something really good - like finding out the city is at fault for all our sewer problems and is going to pay for at least some of it - happens, why oh why does something bad have to happen immediately following? What new fucking thing is going wrong with me now? Oh well, let me tell ya all about it - the floor inside my tiny, miniscule, little linen closet has been damp...truthfully I thought it was from the cats missing the kitty litter - icky, I know, but an easy enough explanation and fix. Except the dampness did not go away when I re-located the kitty litter. So a few weeks ago, we pulled the drywall out and checked behind it and found that the pipes that feed the shower are leaking. Plumber comes out from the home warranty company and declares that since these pipes are pvc and not copper, he can't fix it under warranty and it'll cost us a couple thousand to replace all the pipes. Yeah, whatever...I stuck a pitcher under the leak and once a week I've been emptying it into my plants.

So, what's the problem you ask...well, upon hearing that we did not have to fork over three grand to fix the sewer because the city is paying for it, I decided it would be a good idea to fix the leaky pipes. We've got a friend who is a plumber and he'll fix the pvc rather than insist we replace with copper. He has some free time today, so he comes over around 1:30 to day to fix it up. The problem is that he has spent 5 hours working on it. There were actually 3 leaky joints and no matter how many times he dries them off and reseals them, they keep breaking seal and shooting water all over my fucking upstairs hallway. There is no way around this because he has to turn the water back on to test the seals and as soon as he does, one of them breaks and shoots water. This has happened enough times that water has run down the wall into the ceiling below and is now dripping from the ceiling tiles in my office - paper and water do not get along well and also from the light fixture in my kitchen...have no idea how unsafe that might be.

In the meantime I'm wondering what I did to deserve these escalating water problems. Did I not give enough money to the Red Cross for Katrina victims? Did I make an insensitive remark? Is this the universe demonstrating to me that I am doomed to be forever fucked because I am not a bajillionaire who can afford to gut and rebuild my 150year old house? (Which by the way was the only thing I could afford.) Where and when did my karma get cursed? Oh yeah, and I can't exactly take off the next 4 days to un-waterlog my house...so, I have just one small request...just once, I'd like it if the good thing can happen without the requisite bad thing as follow-up. Just once I'd like a break and maybe have neither - nothing hugely great, nothing hugely bad. Just once, I'd like to live a normal, uninhibited day where I get up and nothing in my house breaks, floods or malfunctions. I know this is a silly request, but frankly, I think I have fucking earned it!


Blogger leila said...

yes you have earned it, and no one can say otherwise, now, us people creatures just have to convince the ever-present, never-existing thing called karma of this.

my poor perpetually wet K. wet, wet, wet. i think you must have lived in the desert in a past life and dreamed of an existance with abondant water.....

by the way this one was so funny i spit all over my screen. shit girlie-o, never get so down you aren't funny anymore.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:46:00 AM

Blogger Jeff Pollet said...

life really would be easy, easy, easy if everybody got what they deserved, in whatever life you want to pick.

(...resisting strong urge to make joke about 'poor perpetually wet K over on her other blog...)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:16:00 AM

Blogger k said...

jeff - man, don't hold back! it's spontanaeity that makes the world a better place ;)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:32:00 PM

Blogger k said...

leila - what is so funny, or unfunny - I ask you? are you saying I'm losing my sense of humor? are you telling me that I'm not the most hilarious person you've ever met, huh, is that it, is it....(hysterical laughter)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:34:00 PM

Blogger k said...

miss shiny P - I'm so sorry to hear about your leaky problem and over the holidays too - ick! but I thank you for your empathy and for commisserating with me. oh, and I am very pleased they did not burn you alive with the nasty live wire.

it's friday night, have a martini and here's a toast: may we hereafter only be wet where and when it pleases us, and never ever have to deal with mold closets, stupid electricians, or rude plumbers ever again, in this life or any other! cheers!

Friday, January 27, 2006 9:12:00 PM


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