random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Friday, January 27, 2006

Sweet Vindication!

Vindication #1: I don't want to spend the money before it's in the bank, but it's looking more and more like the 'ol city administrators are gonna pony up for the last 8 months of sewer/basement/water heater/driveway expenditures. I am giddy, I am ecstatic...perhaps the karma curse is lifting...

Vindication #2: The shower pipes problem was fixed handily by the NICJ (new&improved CJ) who figured out that the plumber friend was using the wrong glue. All pipes are sealed AND we even have an actual door on our itty bitty linen closet now. Umm, and oh yeah, no lasting damage to the new wood floors. I am feeling calm about my home for the first time in...well, for the first time.

Vindication #3: NICJ has taken a liking to fixin up the place. "Makes him feel good," he says. Makes me feel good too - after 3 years living like the trashy neighbors who you wish would move back to the holler and quit f-ing up the property value, I finally feel like I might want to invite a friend over for dinner without apologizing for every GD thing that's half-assed put together around here. It's starting to look like home - not sure what that means for the future of "us" - but it sure is a nice breather - kind of like comin' out the other end of the scary dark tunnel, or seeing that sunshine peek through the dark gray clouds.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Oh fuck it all!

Um, yeah, so that yin/yang thing is alive and well. I got nothin against this very perfect idea of every thing having an equal and opposite thing. But I'm wondering why when something really good - like finding out the city is at fault for all our sewer problems and is going to pay for at least some of it - happens, why oh why does something bad have to happen immediately following? What new fucking thing is going wrong with me now? Oh well, let me tell ya all about it - the floor inside my tiny, miniscule, little linen closet has been damp...truthfully I thought it was from the cats missing the kitty litter - icky, I know, but an easy enough explanation and fix. Except the dampness did not go away when I re-located the kitty litter. So a few weeks ago, we pulled the drywall out and checked behind it and found that the pipes that feed the shower are leaking. Plumber comes out from the home warranty company and declares that since these pipes are pvc and not copper, he can't fix it under warranty and it'll cost us a couple thousand to replace all the pipes. Yeah, whatever...I stuck a pitcher under the leak and once a week I've been emptying it into my plants.

So, what's the problem you ask...well, upon hearing that we did not have to fork over three grand to fix the sewer because the city is paying for it, I decided it would be a good idea to fix the leaky pipes. We've got a friend who is a plumber and he'll fix the pvc rather than insist we replace with copper. He has some free time today, so he comes over around 1:30 to day to fix it up. The problem is that he has spent 5 hours working on it. There were actually 3 leaky joints and no matter how many times he dries them off and reseals them, they keep breaking seal and shooting water all over my fucking upstairs hallway. There is no way around this because he has to turn the water back on to test the seals and as soon as he does, one of them breaks and shoots water. This has happened enough times that water has run down the wall into the ceiling below and is now dripping from the ceiling tiles in my office - paper and water do not get along well and also from the light fixture in my kitchen...have no idea how unsafe that might be.

In the meantime I'm wondering what I did to deserve these escalating water problems. Did I not give enough money to the Red Cross for Katrina victims? Did I make an insensitive remark? Is this the universe demonstrating to me that I am doomed to be forever fucked because I am not a bajillionaire who can afford to gut and rebuild my 150year old house? (Which by the way was the only thing I could afford.) Where and when did my karma get cursed? Oh yeah, and I can't exactly take off the next 4 days to un-waterlog my house...so, I have just one small request...just once, I'd like it if the good thing can happen without the requisite bad thing as follow-up. Just once I'd like a break and maybe have neither - nothing hugely great, nothing hugely bad. Just once, I'd like to live a normal, uninhibited day where I get up and nothing in my house breaks, floods or malfunctions. I know this is a silly request, but frankly, I think I have fucking earned it!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

This is why it's hard..

I don't want to care....but I do.
It's not my problem, but I live here.
Part of me says "fuck you" and part of me says"I'm sorry."
And even though I know I'm not doing anything wrong, I feel bad...

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Days of Our Sewer

Ummm, just in case you haven't been following this saga all along, here is a quickie recap:

Last May, got 8 inches of water in the basement. Had Roto-rooter out for a ridiculous fee. Had the Home Warranty company send people out. Fees and more fees. Can't fix it...not covered. Oh and can't fix the flooded water heater either - flooding is not normal wear and tear...Called an independent plumber - paid $5000 to watch them dig canyons in my front yard, find not one, but two collapsed sections of pipe - found out from the neighbor that the city pipes had been clogged up...thought maybe this extreme clogging might have caused our problems - claim to the city got denied. Independent plumber doesn't do concrete - filled the canyons in my yard with gravel and left my driveway cut at a funny diagonal. Ordered a dumpster to haul away all the water-logged stuff from the basement. Cleaned and reorganized the basement all through June and July. Started getting seepage again - called independent plumber back out. Wants $3500 more to tear up the sidewalk and replace more sections of pipe. (Scares me with horror stories of broken pipe extending out under the street which according to a city ordinance I will be responsible for re-paving if they have to tear it up...the fees are adding up quickly.)

I can't afford this right before the holidays, so we buy a pump and daily pump the basement sewer water out into the yard. This does not eliminate the smell. Unfortunately, this smell is emitting from Methane gas. The new water heater which had to be put in when we flooded in May has a failsafe switch that shuts off the air supply to the pilot light when a flammable gas is detected. So, um, you guessed it, that switch triggered around Christmas. Once that switch is flipped, it can't be reset. This means we had to replace this water heater too! It's okay, it's under manufacturer's warranty. Wait, no, it's not okay. After a week of runaround just getting someone to come look at it and tell me what's wrong, I get dicked around for another two weeks by the plumber who installed it who apparently can't figure out how to fill out a form to get reimbursed for their labor. They miss two appointments and THEN, even though I requested to speak to the owner 4 times in one day, I have as of yet received no contact from him. Three weeks without hot water later, I called someone else, reported the assholes to the better business bureau and got the hot water heater replaced in 3 days. So that about catches everyone up on the shitstorm of crap I've been dealing with for the last 8 months....

Finally this week, I call the city public works department to confirm that this ordinance of responsibility does in fact exist and also get him to recommend local plumbers. One comes out and quotes me $750 less than the first guys. So I say okay, come on out and do what ya gotta do. They show up yesterday with vans and bobcats and go to town tearing up my sidewalk and yard.

Could it get any worse you ask? Well, actually NO!! It gets better! The plumbers discover that the city's electical pipes are shoved through our sewer system. This means that last spring when the city put the electrical lines underground, they basically FUCKED IT UP big time! The city had four trucks and surveyors and guys out yesterday...looking in the hole and shaking their heads. They paid this plumber for his work and they paid to re-pave the sidewalk...I'm filing a new claim for them to pay for the $10'000 worth of damage and fees we paid for last spring/summer. And hopefully get our driveway re-paved...keep your fingers crossed for me. (Especially after they denied responsibility last time...) Perhaps the epic sewer saga is finally coming to an end...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Animal Magnatism

There is something about me that attracts animals. Dogs, cats, horses, fish...whatever the species, eventually, they find me, climb up on me, need to be near me. I will go to a complete strangers home where their cats or dogs (I'm told) normally hide from company, from strangers. Inevitably, that shy dog or reclusive cat will find it's way onto my lap or feet. My dogs follow me everywhere. Sometimes, I think they would crawl up under my skin if it were possible. And the cats are always checking in..giving me a little rub, a swish of the tail. But even my fish seem to be attracted to me. When I come downstairs in the morning, they swim to the corner of the tank that is closest to the stairs and hover at the surface of the water, waiting for me to throw in the flakes. Tonight while watching television, I turned to peer into the tank and realized that the fish were hovering next to me - they were in the corner closest to my chair, about halfway down the tank, just hovering. I realized they do that often when I am sitting there or on the couch on the other side. They come to my end of the tank and just hover. Perhaps I have a soothing manner. Maybe I give off some special sort of pheromone that calms animals - puts them at ease. I'm not entirely sure - but I do find it comforting to have bonded with my pets, even the smallest of them.

I wonder if instead of hovering, my fish were peering out of their tank at me - marvelling at how I always seem to sit on the side of the tank where they are hovering...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Someone Will Say I'm In Love

I love where I live - the town is quaint and smallish and nestled along the Fox River. It's pretty all year long and easy to navigate. Everything we need is close at hand. I'm putting down roots here despite the unrest in my life recently. However, I can no longer deny that I have a secret passion for someplace else. I don't look for reasons to go there, but when work takes me there, or social events, I become almost giddy with excitement. My mood is elevated, I am energetic, I smile - because I know I am going to the city for the day, the evening, the weekend. The drive isn't very long, depending on the traffic, but the best part unequivocally is the view of the city from about 10-15 miles out. Day or night it is magnificent. I think about the architects that built it over the years - their vision, creativity, ingenuity. I think about the energy of the city - the culture, museums, music, bars, shopping, food - the lifestyle. I imagine that I live in a beautiful apartment with lots of windows, overlooking the Lake. I'd get rid of my car, ride my bike everywhere - have a cool job, take my dogs to the beach, let my cats out on the fire escapte, go to see art every weekend, listen to live music every night. It's a sweet fantasy. But it makes me smile and I let the energy I feel when I'm there sweep me through a couple of days. I know its a love affair because I get so excited when I am going there and feel so let down when I am leaving. Like a lover the city embraces me, protects me, sets me free - no attachments, no responsibilities - it's all romance. And that of course is the problem or maybe the allure. Because I don't live there everyday, I don't see the grime or difficulties. For me it's an adventure every time. I fill flushed and excited and it's new to me, yet familiar every time because I can't have it, or don't experience it every day. I'm working on loving my home in the same way, with the same awe and wonder. But somehow, I think, there will always be a place in my heart for the city and all the wonders I experience there.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Gotta Lotta Vata? (from my online Yoga Journal)

Gotta Lotta Vata?

Don't let the windy, cool, and dehydrating effects of winter get under your skin.

By Niika Quistgard-DeVivo
As the cool chill of winter descends, do you find yourself more anxious, flighty, or forgetful than usual? It may be more than the holiday frenzy that's got you feeling frantic—it could be that your vata dosha is out of balance. The most likely of the doshas to slip out of balance in any season, vata is especially prone to aggravation during late fall and early winter, when nature delivers an abundance of vatalike qualities in the form of blustery winds, cool temperatures, and dry air.

Composed of the elements air and space, vata is the subtlest of the three doshas (the others are pitta and kapha) and therefore the most vulnerable to life's vicissitudes. Travel, weather changes, insufficient sleep, fragmented schedules, and excessive mental or sensory stimulation of any kind can all challenge vata's stability.

Seated in the colon, vata governs all movement in the body and mind. (The Sanskrit translation of the word is "that which moves things.") It enables our fluids to flow, our nerve impulses to fire, our thoughts to coalesce, and, well, our wastes to pass. In other words, vata keeps all of our systems going and contributes to great vitality.

Because of vata's association with the nervous system, its state is often reflected in our mental health. When vata is in balance, we tend to be enthusiastic, imaginative, funny, quick to learn, and spiritually minded. But the excess vata of late fall and early winter can leave us susceptible to feeling more fearful, scattered, or worried than usual. Physically, pain is the most obvious indication of excess vata; other common signs are variable appetite, insomnia, dry skin, constipation, flatulence, and irregular menstruation.

You don't need to feel blown away by vata's high season. These nurturing lifestyle choices can keep you grounded.

Stick to a daily routine, scheduling in more down time than usual. Aim for lights-out by 10 p.m. and get a full eight hours of sleep each night.

Prepare warm, moist foods and sit down to eat at regular times. Sweet, sour, and salty tastes calm vata. Cooked whole grains, root veggies, and savory soups are good dietary mainstays.

A few times a week, perform abhyanga, a full-body self-massage with warm oil, to nourish and protect the skin, a highly vata-sensitive organ.

Moderate, consistent exercise regulates vata's mobile nature. In asana practice, include simple seated forward folds like Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend). You can also experiment with standing poses like Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose II) to build strength and stability. If you're feeling overstimulated or fatigued, do restorative poses to encourage deep relaxation.

The ears are especially sensitive to vata; you can protect the ear canals by inserting a few drops of warm ghee (clarified butter) or sesame oil each morning—a traditional vata-calming Ayurvedic practice. When outdoors, use earmuffs, a hat, earplugs, or cotton balls for additional protection from the wind. And lastly, curb the tendency to talk unnecessarily, settling into rejuvenating silence whenever you can.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Starting Off Right

So I've been sick all week - no complaints - first time in a while to be honest...and I took the week off work, which was nice. But, I told my friend Billy I'd work New Year's Eve for him...I need cash, he wanted the night with his girl. Of course after a week home sick, I wasn't exactly psyched to be working...especially since it was likely most of my friends would either be at parties or downtown. But some extra cash is some extra cash, so who's really complaining....

However, lucky me, it was a great night. I made a lot of extra cash instead of a little AND, some of my closest friends actually spent the evening at the bar where I work. I prearranged staying over night with Pete and Lisa, so I did not have to worry about the 40 minute drive home. Took tons of great and funny pictures of everyone AND, one of my very dearest friends who I haven't seen in over a year came in from Colorado for the weekend to hang with all of us...

Needless to say, many drinks later, fun was had by all and I got to spend the day hanging with Pete, Lisa and Colorado Dave. Not a bad start to 2006...let's hope it runs rings around 2005 in the good-times-had-by-all department.