random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Friday, April 24, 2009

Social Networking

Hmmm - I have discovered that I love/am addicted to Facebook. It's so terribly easy to keep track of friends, reaquaint with people and generally get to know people/friends. I have found that I almost can't function on a phone call anymore, because it takes too long, I have to pay attention, and I often feel trapped!

Is that wrong? *wink*

Well, that's not exactly true, but it is true that I prefer Facebook most of the time. I can jump on, comment here, post there, catch up with 50 people in under five minutes and hop off. I can check in 3, 4, 100 times a day. For a busy lifestyle, it's brilliant! I suppose one could argue that it isn't real human interaction. But I think technology is re-defining what we call human interaction. People who I might otherwise not see or talk to for years, I can keep up with daily or weekly now - without having to spend hours on the phone or driving across the country. I laugh just as hard at things my friends say online as I do when I see them in person. I get to wish people Happy Birthday without missing the day or forgetting altogether. I can see pictures of events I wasn't able to attend and not feel like I missed out entirely. I suppose if I turned into the character from that movie THE NET, who never left her house, I'd be more worried. But I work 50-60 hours a week with the public and I have at least one physical interaction with friends a week, so I guess I am not the old lady with the computer just yet.

Check back with me once I get an iPhone. I may need an intervention then!


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