random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Bad Day

Today is the fourth day of my tonsillitis. Started on Saturday, went to ER on Saturday night for strep test (negative - YAY!), got antibiotics and motrin, went to bed. Sunday, sat/slept in the sun all bundled up in sweats and long sleeves on my deck, took medicine, watched t.v. and went to bed. Woke up Monday in excruciating pain and my lymph nodes had swollen 3x what they were on Saturday. Made appointment with GP - took one look and said it was the worst throat he'd seen, might be abscessed, sent me to an Ear, Nose and Throat guy. ENT guy numbed my throat and then stuck a really big needle in my tonsil to drain pus - no pus, no abscess. YAY! But, severe, acute tonsillitis. Went back to hospital for blood test to rule out other viral possibilities. Got new antibiotics, steroid and prescription painkiller. (Not actually a pain "killer" more like a take-the-edge-off-the-pain medicine.) Anyway, today, woke up with same pain, but far less swelling. YAY!

Took today off of work for sickness. But instead of resting, went to the accountant to file taxes (we are actually getting money back this year - a small miracle in and of itself), went to a 2:00 meeting that was moved to 7:00 but I didn't know it until 2:20-ish. Went to work to pick up stuff to do at home so I can stay home tomorrow. Called vet because my dog has enormous growth on her side that got suddenly bigger in the last 48 hours. Went for some R&R and got a pedicure and manicure which took half an hour longer than it should have, so 20 minutes late to the vet. (Did I mention that my throat hurts?) Waited 20 minutes at the vet and then got the news that the enormous growth is of course cancer (did I suspect? yes, was I ready for that, not really). Scheduled surgery for my beloved, big fat shadow that is so my dog, who will hang on forever just because she loves me. Took her for dairy queen treat. Went to tell CJ and cried at his work in front of his boss. Cried on phone to my mother on the way to 7:00 meeting -(why is my sick day so fucking long?) Hour and a half meeting later and I am driving home in pouring rain/thunderstorm. Arrive to find CJ crying over the dog. My throat hurts.

Is anyone else wondering why I am severely sick for the third time in three months??
Is it wrong that the tax man visit was the best part of my day??


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