Stolen from Leila
Hmmm, I pretty much am on board with any of Leila's good ideas. So, I have snaked this from her blog, modified it to me and voila! Fun posting...
Leila said:
when i have time, i like to surf other people's blogs. it really resembles looking into peoples windows at dusk, just as they've turned their lights on; the fishbowl effect i call it. So while i was peeking in some windows i came across this. And really - any blog with tequila in the name must be I'm borrowing her idea (which she says she borrowed from somewhere.... and so it goes)"
here i go.
ten things I really liked when I was a teenager that I don't much care for now:
1. brightly colored clothes bordering on, up to and including flourescent
2. baggy, pleated jeans
3. the "IN" crowd
4. wine coolers
5. the time when winter is becoming spring (then: promise of summer; now: weird weather and mud)
6. carnivales & rides
7. gossip
8. running
9. driving the strip
10. talking endlessly on the telephone
ten things I didn't like when I was a teenager that I really like now:
1. wine
2. my sister
3. sushi
4. classical music particularly cello/piano concertos
5. tea
6. foreign films
7. going to bed early, not that I do it much
8. long hot luxurious baths
9. vodka martinis
10. time alone
ten things I've never much cared for and probably never will:
1. green vegetables (lettuce not included)
2. weird meats like lamb, venison, liver
3. too much work and not enough play
4. keeping up with the Joneses'
5. flat shoes
6. trashy/reality t.v.
7. thrash / metal / death rock
8. coffee
9. slasher films (The Scream Trilogy not included)
10. stupid, head-up-their-ass people
ten things I've always liked and probably always will:
1. long walks anywhere
2. my mom
3. sci-fi/fantasy stories & characters
4. reading, reading, reading/books, books, books
5. the movies & the theater
6. lipstick
7. convertibles
8. the ocean, lakes and rivers will do (being in the sun near water is the point here)
9. cooking
10. me
taken from
p.s. feel free to copy!
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