random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Friends Think I am Missing

It all started with a 60 hour work week. Prepping for sales, fundraisers, and being out of town. Then my dog grew an enormous lump on her side which turned out to be cancer and we had to have it removed. Then, I went to Mississippi for my sister's graduation from Vet School. I left from O'Hare, flew to Cincinnati, flew to Birmingham and then drove three hours to Starkville. The only thing missing was a train ride! I spent three days packing my sister's things, going to graduation, and the reception and the dinner after. Then, drove to Memphis with my folks to visit a college friend, flew from Memphis to Atlanta, and Atlanta to Midway. Got home in time to go to work for 4 hours. And then get up and worked twelve the next day before going to bartend that night. End, week two.

I worked about 60 hours the following week. Prepping different sales, fundraisers and getting ready for inventory. Last week, my doggie, still recovering from the cancer removal surgery, was acting funny and didn't seem right. Took her in to the vet again and she had to have an emergency spay because she had a pyometra which is an infected uterus. While the had her cut open, they removed cysts on her ovaries and uterus - well, they really just removed the whole kit and kaboodle. So, now, she is recovering from her second major surgery in a month and my wallet is not really recovering at all. Well, maybe a little. Saturday was graduation at Northern, and I opened for the bar and made a killing. At the very least, a step in the right direction. End Four.

After hitting the 4am bells Saturday night, I got up early-ish on Sunday. Was supposed to start bartending for the Equestrian Center. But the bar is still not done, so I went home to nap before inventory. Thought we'd be done by midnight, got done at 3am. I think I went to sleep at 5am. Needless to say, it is Tuesday, and I am just a smidge exhausted still.

My house is a wreck, because I haven't been in it for weeks except to sleep. The boy has been working mad hours as well now that they are catering the Equestrian Center shows and maintaining regular working hours. Poor doggies barely get to see us. Savannah won't leave my side when I am at home. In the meantime, three of my friends have had their babies. Yahoo, there is something in the water!! Anyway, it's been a crazy, mad 5 weeks or so. I'm looking forward to using the last of my vacation days before the year rolls over and taking a nice long Memorial Day weekend.


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