random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Operation Prepare To Move

Oh, you should have seen the boy these last 2 days! (I wish I'd seen him!) While I worked 14 hours yesterday and went back for 8 more today, he tackled the following list of moving preparations items:

He assisted our friend in having her car towed out of our driveway where it has languished for nearly 3 years - I can't even tell you how happy I am it is gone!

He cleaned out his car (which has also languished in our driveway for several years) - AND found the key for it so that we can sell it! (If I were given to religious expletives, I'd shout "Halelujah!!")

Since we were able to move all the boxes of books, etc. that I packed last month to a storage unit on Saturday, he was able to tear down the sagging ceiling in the library. He even cleaned up the bits of cork insulation, salvaged the molding, and did not ruin the remaining books in the process.

He took apart the cracked, crumbling, ghetto plastic lazy susan in the corner cupboard so we can replace it - FINALLY!

He swept the driveway, moved the composting hay, mowed and edged.

I kind of like him as a house husband!

I'm so excited to have all these projects finally in motion!! Of course, now, I'm going to actually have to do some work, like start packing boxes again and going through mountains of paperwork and old files, going through my closet...I think I will start tomorrow!


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