random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Thursday, May 19, 2005

It could be worse

Hello friends - I just wanted to say I hope you all are having a great day. If, however, I have caught you on a not-so-great, or even a bad day, perhaps this little story will cheer you simply by letting you know that it can always be worse.

Tuesday night I came home from the gym to find that I had no hot water. The stove and dryer worked however, so I knew it could not be a problem with our gas. Too tired to deal with it at 10pm, I went to bed. Wednesday morning, my husband awoke and discovered what I had not yet had a chance to convey to him. He being worldlier in these matters than I, immediately deduced that the pilot light on the water heater must be out. Upon investigation, the reason for the pilot light snuffing was that our basement had an inch or so of water in it. We don't have one of the those new-fangled homes with luxuries like sump pumps, instead, a small drain in the floor supposedly keeps up high and dry. I'm sure you can tell already how effective this method is. Dear boy that my husband can be sometimes, he labored all evening while I was away to try and fix the drain clog so that we might once again have hot water and enjoy the modern ammenities of a shower.

But, nature was against us as late last evening the heavens opened and dumped onto Northern Illinois several million gallons of water - much of which, I would argue, I am now providing storage for in my basement. So at 4am we gave up the fight and went to sleep. I awoke with an epiphany - we have a home warranty! I will call and get this fixed immediately. At first I was
told that they could not come until tomorrow morning. Well really what's one more day without a shower? But then we were blessed with a cancellation and an afternoon appointment opened for us. Two burly men arrived, in rather inappropriate shoes I might add, to assess the problem. They were not very pleased to be sloshing around calf deep in the now six inches of water that is in my basement in their tennis shoes. But I guess we are even as I was not very pleased to have them
tell me that they could do nothing to fix the problem as the water was too deep to find the clog and they did not have the equipment to pump out the basement. They were quite informative however in advising me on my next course of action.

So, heeding their advise, I have purchased a submersible pump, a twenty-five foot garden hose, and a fifteen foot extension cord so I can pump the 6 inches of water out of my basement and into my neighbors back yard. (This is much cheaper than the alternative which is to break the concrete floor, create a pit, insert a sump pump and put a hose through the wall of my basement.) But I wonder if it is as effective? Just wondering as I listen to the sky rumble and try and guess how much more water can actually fit in my basement. (Of course, on the bright side, who needs how water when I can take a bar of soap outside and stand in the pouring rain? I may get a shower this week after all!)

Let me just add that I truly love my pink and yellow striped galoshes that come up to my knees. Every woman should own a pair. And did I mention what a lovely fragrance standing rain water mixed with drain overflow emits? I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get that scent out of my head...hope everyone is having a truly lovely day. If not, I invite you over to shovel sludge when the little pump that could finally clears my basement and I am left with whatever is floating around down there - remember, it could always be worse.


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