random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Friday, May 06, 2005

Half Full, Bright Side, Silver Lining and all that crap

I am not a morning person. For those of you who know me, this is perhaps the greatest understatement ever uttered. So you can imagine how elated I was to have my puppies wake me at the ungodly hour of 6am today. Despite my nausea at even contemplating getting out of bed, I let the nurturer in me drag me to a more or less vertical position and shuffled downstairs to care for the fur-covered joys of my life. They wiggled and made their weird howl/grrr/dog sounds of appreciation. Wiggly and cute is great, but even that doesn't cut it before 8am. This could shape up to be a truly craptacular day.

Whatever. I hooked them up outside and was shuffling back inside when I realized how quiet it was outside. No real traffic sounds, no kids, city workers, neighbors...just nature actually. And it was warm this morning, so very comfortable standing outside in my pajamas. The birds were chirping; the bunnies scurried for cover; the duck pair waddled further from the edge of my yard. It was actually quiet pleasant. And blessedly, there was nothing for the pups to start yowling and barking at, so even they were quiet. I actually paused on my deck and inhaled the air. (Love that fresh off the river scent of stale water and fish.) For a moment, I even contemplated brewing a cup of tea and staying up to enjoy this unexplored time of day. The eternal optimist that resides right next to the cranky cynic smiled at this truly peaceful moment.

And then, thankfully, my true self (the cynic rules the morning hours) remembered that I didn't have to be awake for another three hours. That I was not actually fully awake now. So I shuffled back upstairs, crawled back into bed, and let the freight train resonance of my husband's snoring drown out the newly discovered, sweet sounds of nature. And slowly, was lulled back to sleep.


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