random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

And the saga continues

Well, let's see - it turns out that the lovely scent emanating from my basement wasn't actually standing rain water gone foul, it was in fact sewage that had backed up through our drain. By I have gotten ahead of myself here, let me backtrack...

After the first set of plumbers sent by the warranty company told me that the clogged drain wasn't covered, I took the advice of my wise ol'dad and called Roto Rooter. $578 later, they informed me that the main line from the house had collapsed and they would have to dig up my front lawn and driveway to reach the breakage in order to fix it. This excavation would cost me an addtional $6500.00, half up front. I don't know about the rest of you, but the change in my couch cushions did not quite add up to that much. (They also discovered that the pipe that drains all water usage in the house was corroded and broken - hence the lovely odor aforementioned. This is an entirely different excavation adventure which will cost yet another $3800.00.)

At this point, I realize that some or all of this may actually be covered by warranty as it is not just a simple drain clog. So I call them back. I am informed that anything within the foundation of the house (broken sewage pipe drain) is covered. Anything outside the foundation of the house, (broken main pipe under the driveway) is not covered. And Roto Rooter is not an affiliated company, so their company will have to come back out. So I put in the work order and wait for the appointment. In the meantime, we still have 4-6 inches of water in our basement - despite the mighty but small little pump which we are using almost non-stop. The water heater is now leaking as well. So we pump water, light the pilot light, take a shower (only one of us) and then start the process over again. Have I mentioned that this has been going on now for a week?

Twenty-four hours later, the company has not called me to make an appointment (I know, I am very impatient) and so I call the warranty company again. They tell me that the company maybe didn't get the work order, they will send it again. At this time, I also indicate that I think there may be something wrong with the water heater, could they look at it too? This is when I am informed that the first two plumbers that came out who did nothing except tell me my warranty didn't cover clogs, had submitted that the water heater needed to be replaced since it had been sitting in water for two days. The warranty company denied this as it is not normal wear and tear. At no point was I ever informed either of the assessment or the denial. But really, I am only the client, why would I need to know what is going on? I am assured however, that they will call me within two hours to schedule an appointment to come and fix the broken pipe. For the water heater however, I will have to request a second opinion. I am given the name of a second company and told they will also call me.

Yet another twenty-four hours later, I still have not heard from the first company. The second company has made an appointment for sometime between 8am and noon today. I call to check on the first company and I am told that the order was cancelled - again, without informing me. Apparently, I can't request that they come back out as a recall on the first order since the pipe is a separate problem - nevermind that this is all related to the backed up drain - I instead have to request a new order and pay another deductible. FINE - WHATEVER - JUST COME AND FIX MY BASEMENT! Did I raise my voice? They have now made an appointment with me for tomorrow. Hallelujah!

But wait, there is actually more! The company that came to give me a second opinion found that the water heater was indeed malfunctioning and that it could actually have blown up! Those were the technicians exact words: blown up! He adjusted something and changed something and immediately ordered a new water heater. This will be installed on Friday. Truthfully, my basement has seen more action in the last 10 days than, well, fill in your own metaphor here. (I am a little worried about turning on my furnace now....)

The latest revelation is that yesterday, the city was working on our street - apparently something is wrong with the sewage lines on my block - curious...they flushed all the city lines and amazingly, the drain in my basement became instantly unclogged - all the water drained right down. So, it would seem that Roto Rooter tried their best, but in fact there is no break in the line only an incredible back up all the way from the city lines. (Phew, I was afraid I'd have to take up lapdancing to pay for the excavation under my driveway.) Instead, now I have to continue to work back and forth between my warranty company and my insurance company to juggle who will be paying for all the repairs and replacements in my now damp, but no longer submerged basement. (You see one will cover any expense due to normal wear and tear, the other will pay for unforseen accidents, maybe.) I think I will be calling on the city of Geneva tomorrow. Wish me luck - oh and don't take your hot water for granted.


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