random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Nobody likes me Everybody Hates me I think I'll Go Eat Worms

So I'm feeling lonely and un-lov-ed. I had a brief, small, hiatus and now nobody comments on my blog no more. I'm wounded. Of course, the only people that commented on my blog are this hella cool gang o folk out in SanFan whose blogs I have stumbled upon. They are all buds and I am an interloper...I like that word, interloper....rolls off the tongue, but I digress..

so this is a shout out to all who used to read/comment on my blog...hello, I am back...not dead, not fallen off the face of the earth, still experiencing random acts of lunacy....

like, hearing the weekend sexcapades of one of my students in class each Tuesday...

or getting head-butted in the nose by my dog on Saturday....still hurts, at least I didn't get a black eye from it...although, at least then I would have something to show for my headaches....

or observing the fact that the only people who visit my students during class are boys....

or like the fact that I have noticed that I am a spider-magnet - seriously, no matter where I am or what I am doing, some little or sometimes not so little spider finds it's way onto me...they are kind of cute, but it's sometimes startling...especially when they are fuzzy or not little....

I end now with this goal...no more hiatuses, lest you all think I truly have fallen of the earth or some other tragedy has befallen me....


Blogger Jeff Pollet said...

Oh, ya little interloper, you. :)

Please don't take the not-commenting too personally. Everybody notes that if you don't post for even a few days, people sometimes don't come back for a while. They'll come back, though, if you keep posting, eventually.

I think you and I may be alike in our want/need for comments. Some of this, for me, is pure unadulterated need for attention I'm sure, but it's also need for conversation, and I think blogs have the potential for absolutely great dialogues, or at least the beginnings of great dialogues.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:30:00 AM

Blogger k said...

hey jeff - I'm not sure that I take it personally so much as a way of goading the dialogue into existence. I agree - I love the dialogue and interaction. I think I am actually lonely when no comments are made - sort of a sad connection to human kind - not sad like pathetic, but in the need for that connection. I think too that I do not trust people to persevere like I know I will....if a favorite blog doesn't post for awhile, I'll keep checking back - I'm not sure others do that - it's an odd sense of abandonment - (not that any of this is connected in any way to my current life situation or anything [insert heavy sarcasm here]) - at any rate, thanks for tuning in...I've found that I always enjoy what you have to say.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:42:00 PM

Blogger Jeff Pollet said...

Yeah, I tend to go back to blogs I really like even if they don't post for a little while, but I suppose we all just have different thresholds...I'm glad you enjoy my comments. Seems like we have similar takes on why we blog and such.

I also find good connections through blogging, actually; part of that is situational--at work I need a five minute break sometimes and reading/commenting can be good for taking me out of my work for a few minutes to recharge. But part of it is just that I like the whole words thing, and I like dialogue. Seems like you do too.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 9:48:00 AM

Blogger Jennifer said...

you need to blog-whore a bit it seems, go to random blogs and comment on things here and there and it gets people to come check out your blog... shameless self-promotion, sure, but it's a way to get readers :)

Monday, October 17, 2005 6:53:00 PM

Blogger k said...

most excellent idea - I wish I had more time - I'm in the middle of teaching and trying to read too many books at the same time....it's a hopeless cycle - I want more dialogue, I have no time to nurture my blog, I get sad when no one comments, I want more dialogue, I have no time to nurture my blog and so on and so on....

shameless promotion....that I do like.....

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 2:43:00 PM


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