random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


So, I've been gone for a bit - vacation with no computer access, then entertaining international friends. Then really work and being out of the habit of writing down what I see and hear. I have a long list of stuff to relate however, kind of squirreling around in my head. I suppose this means there will be a flurry of posting on my blog for the next few days. We'll see...

I have to get back into the groove of putting it all out there...like laughing out loud, actually guffawing at the movie Monster-In-Law at 2 in the morning the other night. Damn that movie tickled me. (My mother-in-law is wonderful by the way, but the movie just made me laugh and laugh.) Rather obvious play on stereotypes, but funny anyway...

Or like meeting Mia Hamm Garciaparra last Monday night. She came to the book sale I was helping with. Signed a few copies. Very nice, very reserved. I've met several of the Cub's wives over the last few months with this promo thing I'm doing, but none famous in their own right. It's been an interesting trip watching the reaction to sports celebrity...people are nutso and eager and respectful all at the same time. It's the strangest phenomenon....

Or like seeing a man in a gorilla suit riding the skyglide at the State Fair. So out of place and funny. Or the Find-Out-If-You-ARe-Goin-To-Heaven-In-Three-Questions booth - not kidding. There was also a booth where you could get a turkey leg (a whole turkey leg) - people walkin around like cavemen, knawing on a big 'ol leg of bird. It's funny what you see at a place like the Fair where anything is possible (acceptable) and therefore, anything and everything shows up...I won my class though, took home a silver goblet....

Anyway, that's a snippet of life for the last couple of weeks. Plenty more, but I'll save it for another time.


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