random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


So, I'm driving to work the other day - past the neverending construction - travelling about 2 inches an hour, when I hit the inevitable stop...glancing to my right, I catch the eye of a construction worker through the windshield and get treated to a tongue-wagging. Yes, that's right, he stuck out his tongue, and wiggled it around in a rather suggestive way at me. The traffic started back up and I was gone. It actually happened rather quickly - wasn't sure I really saw his tongue waggle at me. But, no, I did see it. Oddly, I was completely unphased - mildly amused perhaps, but it made me think: Was I supposed to be shocked? Grossed out? Turned on? I couldn't figure it out - was he propositioning me? Or amusing himself? I'm sure there are women out there who would have been shocked or grossed out - would have reacted to him. Perhaps that is what he was hoping for. I wonder how many other women all day long are treated to his tongue. Does what he did count as flirtation (however misguided) or harrassment? Even now, days later, I am simply bemused. Mostly, I think, because it was such an out of place action. There was no real chance of interaction with me, so why do it? What was in his head when he looked up and saw me? Why did he choose a sexual action instead of something goofy or silly? Or why interact with me at all? Of course, I will never know, but I am continually amused by the random occurences in my daily life.


Blogger Jeff Pollet said...

This kind of behavior really upsets me, because it's sort of disguised as silly and safe, but in the end (in my mind) it's just agressive in a way that really sucks. And it wouldn't suprise me if this guy does other agressive things that aren't so 'safe' to all involved.

On the other hand, maybe this is all the interaction he has with women at all, simply becuase (to him) it's fairly safe. Pretty sad, too.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 4:35:00 PM

Blogger k said...

Truly, I just find it odd - so truly displaced, inappropriate, but benign in a way that negates any other consideration...it simply baffles me.

Thursday, July 14, 2005 9:48:00 PM


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