random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Mmmm, October! My favorite month. First, it's fun to say - October - what are the words that look like they sound? Pow, Bang, smack...I feel like I should be drawing a Batman cartoon.

Second, beer! However, Oktoberfest is not actually my preference. What truly makes me happy about October is Pumpkin beer. Pumpkin beer is spicer, less hoppy and I think far tastier than Oktoberfest. And until recently was not very prevalent. There has been Harvest Moon of course, but most seasonal brews tend toward the Oktoberfest. Imagine my delight on a recent trip to my friendly neighborhood liquor mart when I discovered that there are many Pumpkin beers to be had! There is O'Fallon's Pumpkin, Jack's Pumpkin from American Brewery, even Micholob has a pumpkin! Of course I immediately snatched up 4 different 6 packs of pumpkin brew - now if only I could order when dining out!

Third, are pumpkins themselves. And Squash!! I love squash. I love to eat squash and look at all the funny shapes. And the colors are awesome - dark green and orange, my favorites. One of my neighborhood plant stores has racks and racks of Heirloom squash...I think that's what they are called - fuuuuugly! They are that pale peachy color and they are covered in warts - ick! But totally cool too. I love squash and pumpkin soups and pumpkin frappucinos and pumpkin chai lattes. I have two whole cookbooks dedicated to cooking solely with pumpkins and squash. (However, to my dismay, someone - my assistant Janis I think - told me that there is a pumpkin shortage this year. Although Illinois is the highest producer of pumpkins in the U.S. the rest of the pumpkin growers had very low yields this year. I am disturbed. What kind of October would it be without pumpkin squares and lemon glaze, or pumpkin pancakes??) At least we still have Pumpkinfest!

One of the things I love most about October is the changing weather and the fall colors. Unfortunately, my plants seem to hang onto their green far longer than most other trees and plants in the neighborhood. Last year, my tree out front froze and was covered in snow before it turned color or even lost all it's leaves. I hope it moves a little more quickly this year. My favorites are the vibrant reds and oranges. I've never really been a yellow girl. Things are just starting to change here...one more week and we should be in full fall color. And then.....

HALLOWEEN!! I love Halloween. I've been listening to the soundtrack to The Nightmare Before Christmas for a couple of weeks now. Pumpkin carving is a rite of passage each October and it's the season of the witch. Even Taco Bell has a black taco. Nothing is cuter, by the way than the hordes of kids that come to storytime dressed in their costumes - one little girl came dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz the last week of September - I'm pretty sure she won't take it off until Halloween. Of course, I start thinking about my costume in August, but somehow manage to leave it to the last minute to decide what I am going to be. It always seems to work out - I am creative and resourceful afterall. The boys are planning a big horror blowout with skulls and tombstones and chili and gumbo and haunted house proportions of thrills and chills. I'll have to bartend, but I'll go over early just to see the big show. The best part of Halloween is that it officially kicks off what I call the Holiday Season. October through New Year's - holiday parties, celebrations, crisp fall weather, the first snow of the season, decorating, socializing, holiday music and drinks. What other month in the year has books and gifts for Halloween and Thanksgiving AND Christmas nestled side by side on the shelves? This is absolutely my favorite time of year!

So, if you want to complain about the weather or the crowds or whatever else ails ya, I suggest instead you pop open a Pumpkin Ale, carve yourself a smiling pumpkin, throw some candy in a bucket by your door and dive in with zeal. Once October ends, it's 12 long months until we see it again.