random musings and events; tales of lunacy and hysteria; lightning strikes of intelligence accompanied by gibberish; stuff to amuse, rants to abuse; general nonsense that makes up my days, my nights and all the fluff in between

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Another Year

I spent most of my birthday in a car or on a plane or in a bus or on a tram. So, the day itself was less than desirable. But I can't really complain as I was returning from sunny Florida and had spent the two days prior to my birthday at Epcot Center eating and drinking food from around the world and at SeaWorld hanging with the dolphins, whales, penguins and sharks. Starting on the 4th, I got many calls, emails, myspace comments, text messages and cards from family and friends - many of which made me giggle - thank you Franklin! Some glaring omissions, some delightful surprises, all in all, a fabulous tribute to me. So, the icky, hour and a half delay sitting on the plane on the tarmac and the return to not so sunny, snowy, cold home can be offset by loving family and good friends.

Otherwise my birthday passed uneventfully - no singing 5 year olds this year. (And, if you do not count the chocolate cake and waiters singing off-key incident foisted on me by aforementioned loving, but oh so devious family members.) In many ways I cannot say that I feel as old as I am. Mentally, I think I am several years younger, at least in outlook, enthusiasm, etc. But in many other ways, I feel so much older, fatigue being the key indicator here. That said, as another year passes and a new one presents itself, I cannot but feel optimistic about the chance to start fresh, and begin again with a whole new year in which to do all that I want to do.

So, here's to me, to my new year of adventure and accomplishment and to family and friends that I will get to spend it with!
